I love history; especially war history. I grew up near Gettysburg, PA so I made frequent trips to the battlefield of the bloodiest battle on American soil. It was amazing to think about how they fought back then. It's not like today where you're in the streets hiding behind a wall or a car or riding in a hummer or a tank. Back then, an army was most effective when they all stood in a row, sometimes 2 or 3 deep, and fired all at one time. It was a concentration of 25-30 muskets all aiming in one general area to make the most damage. If each of those 25-30 muskets all shot individually from all over the battlefield, they wouldn't hit a thing for two reasons: it was inaccurate and it was only one shot. For the best soldier, they could fire off 3 shots in 60 seconds. Therefore, it's safe to say every shot counted.
That's how it is with our worship.
God gives us just one life. One beating heart. One mind. One soul. We should view that one life like a single bullet inside a musket during the Civil War: make it count.
In today's culture, we have so many things we shoot at so quickly and waste our shot.
We'll jump at the first opportunity to make money fast and unethically rather than wait and make it slowly and honestly.
We'll be the first in line, sometimes sleep overnight, to be the first to buy the latest gadget.
We'll give our virginity away to the first person that says, "I love you," rather than wait until marriage.
Everyday there is a battle for our worship. So treasure it. Guard it. Hold onto it and when you give it away, make sure you're giving it away where it will have the biggest impact: God.
God deserves your worship. Check out Psalm 96: 4-5: "For great is the Lord, and most worthy of praise; he is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but the Lord made the heavens."
He's the most worthy of praise and every other god in your life is an idol.
So what are you doing with your one bullet, your one life. Who or what are you giving it to?
Are you out in the battlefield all by yourself trying to be an army of one? Or are you standing in line with other believers shooting all of your worship in unison to the God who made you?
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