Many people don’t know this about me but I have preached at a funeral before. When I was a senior in high school, my mom’s sister committed suicide just after New Year’s in 2001. My mom asked me to speak at the funeral. I was honored that my mom would ask me to do such a thing. But once the reality of it started to sit in, I was starting to wonder why I agreed. Just a little history lesson on my family: I don’t come from a strong religious or Christian family. In fact, my mom’s side of the family often mocked God when they had the chance. So here I was, an 18-year old senior getting ready to preach at my aunt’s funeral. As I prepared, I found myself struggling to find what words to say. Being a suicide, I thought I’d just speak on faith. As I preached, it started raining. I was still an amateur preacher then and it showed, as I said in the middle of my message, “You see, Aunt Karen is up there laughing at us right now as God is peeing on us.” You guessed it: everyone laughed. I felt like Daniel in the lion’s den. I’m sure you have your first-time-horror stories and they were just as bleak.
Saul had his. He was king over Israel and was going to battle with the Philistines. The Philistines destroyed Saul’s army, killing his sons in the process. As Saul looked on, he saw no positive outcome in sight and decided that it would be best for him to kill himself rather than letting the Philistines torture and mock him. He figured they’d kill him anyway so why endure all of that? I’m sure that’s how my aunt felt.
In this life, we face trials and struggles and circumstances that just weigh us down and from our human perspective, it’s hard for us to see the light at the end of the tunnel. If you’re a teenager, it could be in your school during that one class that you just can’t seem to ace. Or maybe you’re an adult and you’ve stumbled across this blog and your job isn’t going so well or money is tight.
Jesus says, “Come to me all those who are heavy-burdened, and I will give you rest.” Have you given Him your burdens yet?
How did the funeral end? Well, not only did I teach faith, I learned it. I went in inexperienced and afraid. But I spoke God’s Word and not only did the funeral go well (aside from God’s urine), but I was able to lead six of my family members to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior.
I learned something that day: Faith is something God gives us as we wait on Him to return from the bathroom.
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