Wednesday, October 13, 2010


My youth staff recently went to the National Youth Worker Convention in San Diego and whenever you do ministry, such a trip is required every now and then. You get worked up, stressed out, lose heart, walked out on, and the almost daily urge to write your resignation letter.

So this past Sunday, my first Sunday back from our trip, I decided to sit in on our children's elementary class during the 2nd service. I subtly sat on the floor in the back and took it all in. Here's what I observed:

1. While the teacher pointed to a picture of baby Moses floating down a river and asked who the baby was, a 1st grader responded, "Baby Noses."

2. Later, when the teacher asked who was freeing Israel from being slaves in Egypt, another child guessed Harriet Tubman.

3. And finally, when asking if any child in the class read their Bible all 7 days the previous week, a 1st grader raised her hand and proudly proclaimed that she reads her Bible while in the bathroom and that there is a pocket next to the toilet where she keeps it.

In a life of ministry, it's easy to lose sight of what is important. Jesus taught in the Gospels that unless one becomes like a child, we will never enter the kingdom of heaven. And that anyone that humbles themselves like children will be the greatest of all.

Furthermore, He teaches that anyone that keeps a child from knowing Him is better to drown themselves in the deepest part of the ocean.

I thank God for our children at Adventure Community Church and the workers who faithfully and lovingly help them plant their roots.

May our children grow up to be true followers of Christ and may our workers be blessed by assisting them to do so.