I'm sitting here watching my cat, Jax, sprawl himself out on the floor. He's on his back, spread eagle, full frontal, without a care in the world.
Ashley just asked him, "who do you think you are? with your crotch all hanging out?"
Good thing she wasn't talking to me.
I remember watching Old School with the comedic genius, Will Ferrell, running down the street, yelling, "C'mon, we're going streaking!!!!" As unappealing to the eyes as he is for the obvious reasons that I'm a guy and he's not in shape, he had ba....err....guts to do that. I'm sure he god paid lots to do it.
I did it for free.
It was October 2001 in Lynchburg, VA. I was a freshman in college (did I just meet the stereotype?). I was in dorm 23-2, my dorm room, watching Game 7 of the Yankees-Dback world series. Luis Gonzalez comes up to bat with bases loaded with the game tied. I don't remember a lot in the moments to follow but I do remember telling whoever was in my room at that precise moment that Gonzo got a base hit, I would streak down the dorm hall.
Here's the pitch!
Gonzo swings and hits the ball over Jeter's head for a Series-winning RBI single!
Nate swings the door open and races down the hall with nothing on but a D-backs hat and socks. I ran and ran and ran, past every door, especially the ones that were being slammed by Yankee fans! I got to the end of the hall that led to the stairwell and my enthusiasm and excitement pushed me to have a Will Ferrell moment.
"What a great idea to go into the stairwell with no key to get back inside!"
Because you know, after all, I'm streaking!
Risking my popularity, future resume and 1,000 reprimands for violating the "Liberty Way," I yelled and screamed in the stairwell as if I just hit the single myself!
Knock, knock!
Who's there?
"It's me. Nate. I'm freezing and I have no clothes on! Please let me back in!"
That was 9 years ago.
Where has the excitement gone? The enthusiasm? Where has that Will Ferrell mentality gone?
Paul writes in Romans 1, "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes..."
Don't you see? Paul is having a Will Ferrell moment! Will Ferrell wasn't ashamed! My cat isn't ashamed. I wasn't ashamed of the Dbacks winning! Heck, I acted as if I hit the ball myself!
What would compel me to do something like that? What power would come over me to make me think that I, Nate Worthington, an 19-year old with no baseball talent could ever do something like that and act in a way as if I did?
Answer: Zeal.
I took ownership in the event that occurred. Paul is doing the exact same thing in Romans 1. He was taking ownership in the event that occurred. The GOSPEL: He was taking ownership because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes...
He had zeal. He didn't care about the cost. He didn't care about the popularity. He didn't care about being comfortable. Look at his life, that is a very easy conclusion to come to!
I want my Will Ferrell Christianity back! Not just me, but for every believer. I want to see every believer have a Will Ferrell faith!
C'mon brothers and sisters! Let's go streaking!