They all come from somewhere.
Still thinking of that hero? Where are they from? If you go there, there is probably a statue or a road named after them. Maybe a museum or library in their honor. Some have sandwiches that carry their name. Others of less popularity have toilets that carry on their identity.
Jesus whas a hero. (No, duh, Nate. Did you really pay for that education?) No, he was. In John, you read about how He goes home and gets received by His fans. But not because of who He is--but because of what He did. Every hero is the same way. They aren't given hero status because of who they are, but what their accomplishment was.
It all started when Jesus simply talked to a Samaritan woman. It was like a Yankee fan eating with a Red Sox fan. Republican and Democrat. Paula Adbul and Simon Cowell. Jon and Kate.
Jesus broke the rules. And His hometown loved Him for it. And eventually killed Him because of it. They hated Him for it. It required them to give up their traditions and routines of a holier than thou attitude and simply, come.
What He taught and how He lived was so radical, so extreme, so crazy that it actually made sense: love.
Where people drew lines, He drew circles. He did the unimaginable and simply befriended the people who were not born of the Jewish heritage which makes Him--GASP--a hero.
So what does that make us?