Life is like that and seldom we hit our target. And most times when we do we do it blindly or just out of sheer coincidence. It isn't based on what we actually do.
But what if we could have the best of both worlds. We actually had the ability to throw the dart properly and, at the same time, hit the bullseye everytime?
That is what God promises when we give our dart to Him to throw however He pleases. But what scares us most is we act like we just gave our dart to a little 4 year old and we can just forsee them poking their eye out with it.
Why do we treat God like a 4 year old? He created the dart and the bullseye. Surely He can handle both.
I'll tell you why. Because we want to be the one who threw it when we hit it.
Which leads us to the question: Who really threw the dart?
Was it the person who held the dart or the One who held the dart thrower?