What is it about Hollywood and politics? Do actors and actresses and musicians and comedians really think they have that big of voice because they are famous?
I won't disagree that they have a lot of influence. They influence how we shop, how we date, how we wear our hair, and now, they influence how we vote.
The problem though, is that shopping, dating and hairstyles only effect us indivually. Our vote, our one, single vote, can effect our entire nation.
How dare they play with that power!
I don't care if they are screaming against Obama or McCain, if you're on a Tabloid cover or star in movies, I don't and will not ever go to you for my political news or points of view.
Since when are our "role models" ever doing anything positive with their lives? They take our money off of album sales, box office prices and marketing endorsements and they think that that gives them the right to influence our vote?
It's almost like they are running for office themselves. The candidates debate and campaign, desperately trying to win our votes. These celebrities do the same thing. They show up at these conventions and campaign trails, play a few songs, and stand arm around arm with the candidate.
We don't care!
Wanna know why? Because as soon as the next President of the United States of America is elected, we won't hear from them politically for another 4 years. What kind of message is that?
They only care about being heard when it matters most. Please go back to making your movies, singing your songs and making jokes. Just because you're famous doesn't mean you have any idea what you're talking about.
But the real issue here is our culture. We are a lazy nation, relying on tv ads to decide who we will vote for. These celebs have a voice because we let them have one. The media lets them have one. The candidates let them have one.
Get off your butt and do your research, take your time to dig to find out who the candidates really are. Our nation is smarter than tv ads and immoral movie stars. Your vote is your vote and it's an important one.
It was given to you by the blood of soldiers and is trying to be taken from you by rich, ignorant, snobby, selfish celebs.
Your vote. Your voice. Speak on November 4th.